Boeing, F-15 Demo Team

Boeing, F-15 Demo Team
Written by
Shaun Westell

A beautiful email that I received last night?


Today I got the honor to fly a Geoffrey in an F-15QA at RIAT!  Through a string of great humans (fellow strike eagle brothers) I was given this connection.  I almost made it down to your tent to say hello today, but briefing timelines and departures to Farnborough commanded otherwise.

Geoffrey (and Louise's/your family's spirit) raged above RAF Fairford today, at .9 Mach, splitting clouds into smaller water molecules, and making memories for kids all over again (including my own 3!!).  Geoffrey taxied out with me (if you can find some pics online), and was safely snugged into my mapcase for all the high G and negative G work...he rode bravely!

I am in awe of your level of perseverance.  11+ years is nowhere near the "time required" to heal from being separated from such a beautiful girl.  I'm a father of 3, 5 months to 7 years, and your story has already made me a stronger father...I thank you for that.

I could tell you more ways that this opportunity affected me, but I'll save that for a pint in a pub at a later date.  For now, I hope you enjoy a few pictures from today's flight, and if Geoffrey finds his way to Farnborough this week, let me know, and I'll fly him again.

Being a dad is the best job in the world.  Thank you for being a super dad.


Boeing, F-15 Demo Team

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