Giraffes on Tour values your privacy, and we are committed to compliance with applicable data privacy and security requirements in the United Kingdom, including but not limited to the Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA”) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the “General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR”).
We have designed our website so that you may navigate and use our website without having to provide personal data, subject only to certain data that may be collected via the use of cookies. This policy sets out how our website uses cookies and similar technologies on our website and the purposes for which we do so. this cookie policy also applies to you together with our privacy policy to the extent you use our website; if you do not accept these policies, you should immediately discontinue your use of our website.
Terms defined in our privacy policy shall have the same meaning in this cookie policy. As described in our Privacy Policy, for general web-browsing of this website, your personal data is not revealed to us, although certain statistical information is available to us via our internet service provider as well as through the use of special tracking technologies. such information tells us about the pages you are clicking on or the hardware you are using, but not your name, age, address or anything we can use to identify you personally.
By using our website, you consent to storage and access to cookies and other technologies on your device, in accordance with this cookie policy. If you do not agree to this, you can update the preferences on your web browsing software and/or your web browsing device in order to block or remove cookies, but please note that doing so may affect the manner in which this website and other websites display on your device(s), as well as certain functionalities of such websites. We ask that you please refer to this cookie policy when using our website.
What are cookies? Cookies are a feature of web browser software that allows web servers to recognise the computer or device used to access a website. A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don't have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another. What are the different types of cookies? A cookie can be classified by its lifespan and the domain to which it belongs. By lifespan, a cookie is either: a session cookie which is erased when the user closes the browser; or persistent cookie which is saved to the hard drive and remains on the user's computer/device for a pre-defined period of time. As for the domain to which it belongs, cookies are either: first-party cookies which are set by the web server of the visited page and share the same domain (i.e. set by us); or third-party cookies stored by a different domain to the visited page's domain.
What cookies do we use?
We do not use cookies set by ourselves via our web developers (first-party cookies). we only have those set by others (third-party cookies). cookies are also sometimes classified by reference to their purpose. We list all the cookies we use on this website in the appendix below.
What data is collected and why? Our primary purpose when using cookies is to make our website work more effectively to produce statistics and provide the best user experience by allowing your browser to remember your preferred settings during your visit. Our cookies do not store any personal information. We use web analytics and advertising tools for further analyses of our website performance, as well as how users are using our website. When you first visit our website using a new browser, or if you visit in private browsing mode, you should encounter a cookies permission banner seeking your consent to use of cookies. From this banner, you will be able to access our cookies management tool. By clicking “Accept” or clicking through to any part of the site, we will start to manage your visit using cookies. All cookies have expiration dates in them that determine how long they stay in your browser. cookies can be removed in two ways: automatically, when they expire; or when you manually delete them.
We have no control over third-party cookies, as most web browsing software is set up to initially enable and accept cookies. We, as well as third parties (as part of providing their services to us) may use cookies and the technologies described in this cookie policy to collect and store information about your device, such as: - the date and time you access our website - the internet address linking to our website - pages visited - time spent on each page of our website - links clicked and conversion information - browser - mobile network information - type of operating system used - the IP and logical address of the server you are using (but the last digits are anonymised so we cannot identify you) - the top-level domain name from which you access the internet (for example .uk, .com, etc.).
We will retain and evaluate information on your recent visits to our website and how you move around different sections of our website for analytics purposes to understand how people use our website so that we can make it more intuitive. The information also helps us to understand which parts of this website are most popular and generally to assess user behaviour and characteristics to measure interest in and use of the various areas of our website. This then allows us to improve our website and the way we market our business.
This information may also be used to help us to improve, administer and diagnose problems with our server and website. The information also helps us monitor traffic on our website so that we can manage our website's capacity and efficiency. Generally, this website also uses cookies to: - remember you and your actions while navigating between pages - remember if you have agreed (or not) to our use of cookies on our website - ensure the security of the website - monitor and improve the performance of servers hosting the site - distinguish users and sessions - improve the speed of the site when you access content repeatedly - determine new sessions and visits - show the traffic source or campaign that explains how you may have reached our website - allow us to store any customisation preferences where our website allows this.
We may also wish to work with advertisers, and advertising service providers to serve ads that may be relevant to you based on your inferred interests, location or other information collected about you, which may use cookies or the technologies described below, placed by us or the third party (although we would not share any other information that identifies you with an advertiser) on our website, or on a third party website or online service. The placing of these technologies on your device may enable you to be identified across multiple websites and online services. As explained in our Privacy Policy, we may also collect, use and share ‘aggregated data’ such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose.
Aggregated data may be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your usage data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature. However, if we combine or connect aggregated data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this privacy notice.
What if you do not agree to this monitoring of our website? Enabling these cookies is not strictly necessary for our website to work but it will provide you with a better browsing experience. You can delete or block the cookies we set, but if you do that, some features of this website may not work as intended. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can set your browser to refuse cookies and control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see You can delete all cookies that are already on your device and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. You should be aware that if you do this, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit an internet site and some services and functionalities may not work if you do not accept the cookies they send. Advertisers and business partners that you access on or through our website may also send you cookies. We do not control any cookies outside of our website.
If you have any further questions regarding disabling cookies you should consult with your preferred browser’s provider or manufacturer. In order to implement your objection, it may be necessary to install an opt-out cookie on your browser. This cookie will only indicate that you have opted out. It is important to note, that for technical reasons, the opt-out cookie will only affect the browser from which you actively object. If you delete the cookies in your browser or use a different end device or browser, you will need to opt out again.
Additional information Changes to this cookie policy - We may change this cookie policy from time to time. If we make any changes to this cookie policy, we will change the "last updated" date above. If such changes are material, a notice of the changes will be posted along with the revised cookie policy, prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to visit this page from time to time for the latest on our privacy practices.
If you do not agree to our revised privacy and/or cookie policy, you should discontinue your use of this website. By continuing to access or use our website after the effective date, you confirm your acceptance of any revised privacy and/or cookie policy or policies, and all of the terms incorporated therein by reference.
If you do not accept changes which are made to this cookie policy, or take any measures described above to opt-out by removing or rejecting cookies, you may continue to use this website but accept that it may not display and/or function as intended by us. Any social media channels connected to us and third party applications will be subject to the privacy and cookie policies and practices of the relevant platform providers which, unless otherwise indicated, are not affiliated or associated with us. Your exercise of any rights to opt-out may also impact how our information and content is displayed and/or accessible to you on this website and on other websites.
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