Artic Defender 24

Artic Defender 24
Written by
Shaun Westell


Hopmans & ‘Raffssssss….

Artic Defender ‘24

I’m here too!!

As the text on the patch says!!!

But I tell you, Johannes is AMAZING!

First flight was a cool very luxurious flight in the A320 on which I didn’t need to be boxed up if I could behave myself.

Well, that happened and a load of hours later we landed in Alaska!!

I thought it was always cold there but hé… great weather here!

This week I’ve flown 3 missions with the Mighty Tornado aircraft of which Johannes takes care off.

Another week here of roaring the Alaskan skies before moving back to Germany in…… an EXTREMELY cool A-400.

I hope I can take a look in the cockpit there too.

Well…. Got to go as we’re launching another flight here this afternoon!

I’ll call in soon again

LC…. out!

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